HackTheBox: Shocker Walkthrough
Shellshock was one of the most famous vulnerabilities of the last decade, if not ever. The vulnerability existed because of how bash interpreted the specific string “() { : ; };”. Using this string, a user could inject any command they wanted. Shocker provides an easy machine to demonstrate this ability, so let’s get into it.
As always, I began with a staged port scan:
This revealed a web server with ssh enabled. Pretty standard stuff. I decided to run gobuster and visit the webpage to enumerate further after this:
Gobuster initially revealed nothing, but running it again with the --addslash flag revealed much more. After that, I searched within cgi-bin for potential scripts that could be publicly accessible. I found a script called user.sh, which is interesting.
Visiting the website yielded nothing of interest.
Back to the script I found. Its existence, in combination with the version of Apache discovered in the nmap scan, indicates there’s a high probability that this server is vulnerable to Shellshock.
I decided to try to exploit that.
To validate my hypothesis that this server was vulnerable to shellshock, I ran a simple curl statement that would, if vulnerable, return “hello”. Here’s what that looked like:
Notes about the command: -H set the User-Agent header to “() { :; }; echo Content-Type: text/html; echo; echo “hello” “. The first part is obviously the famous Shellshock command. The second part, “echo Content-Type: text/html”, makes the output human-readable via curl. The third part is required for running the exploit against Apache and simply prints a blank line. The last part is the command we want to run. Moving on.
The curl statement return hello, which is exactly what we wanted.
Now to exploit the vulnerability, I simply created a reverse shell and caught it with netcat, which went like this:
Got a shell. Now time for some internal enumeration and privesc.
Internal Enumeration and Privilege Escalation
For this box, only basic enumeration was necessary. I grabbed the OS version. user information, and sudo permissions.
Shelly can run perl scripts as root. The path to root is obvious now, and looks like this:
So that’s it!
This box was an easy boot-to-root and a great medium for learning a bit of computer science history. Until next time!